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    New registrations of leisure vehicles rise sharply after “lockdown”

    With the easing of contact and travel restrictions to combat the corona pandemic, new registrations of leisure vehicles are again rising significantly. A total of 14,073 leisure vehicles were newly registered last month. That is 15.9 percent more than in May 2019 and a new record for the month of bliss. At the end of March, motor vehicle dealerships had to temporarily close down at the joint decision of the Federal Government and the federal states due to the corona pandemic, which had led to a drastic slump in new registrations. Now we are seeing a strong and expected catch-up effect.


    Over 10,000 vehicles for the first time – new record for motor caravans

    New motor caravan registrations increased by a strong 31.7 percent compared to the same month last year. With 10,674 newly registered vehicles, they experienced the best month in their history. New caravan registrations, on the other hand, fell by 15.8 percent to 3,399 vehicles compared with the outstanding May of the previous year (best result since 2001). There are two main reasons for the weaker performance of the caravan market: Caravans are more sensitive to economic cycles and, due to the current economic uncertainty, some interested customers are still holding back. In addition, the most important group of buyers, families, have often had to struggle with practical problems in everyday life due to closed schools and kindergartens and therefore have not yet had the opportunity to purchase a vehicle. For these reasons, the catch-up effect for caravans is likely to set in a little later and more slowly.


    Caravanning still extremely popular

    In these times, caravanning is one of the safest forms of holiday, as you travel with a leisure vehicle only with people of your own household and, thanks to your own sleeping, living, cooking and sanitary facilities, you are largely self-sufficient and at home practically everywhere. Therefore, many additional customers are interested in buying or renting a motor caravan or caravan.



    Source: CIVD evaluation of figures from the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA)