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Newly registered leisure vehicles in Germany (2020.04)

Following a joint decision by the Federal Government and the federal states, motor vehicle dealerships had to temporarily close down in mid-March to combat the corona pandemic. The sale of leisure vehicles has only been possible again since 20 April (in Bavaria since 27 April). Accordingly, new registrations of caravans and motor caravans in April fell by 54.9 percent (6,134 vehicles) compared to the same month last year. New registrations of caravans declined by 57.4 percent to 1,718 units. New registrations of motor caravans slumped by 53.9 percent to 4,416 vehicles.


Looking at the year 2020 as a whole, a comparatively small minus of 13.2 percent compared to the record figure from the previous year is to be noted. Since the beginning of the year, 27,640 leisure vehicles have been newly registered (previous year 31,844 vehicles). 19,799 motor caravans were newly registered in the first four months. This represents a relatively moderate decline of 8.9 percent compared to the record figure from 2019, with caravan registrations falling by 22.5 percent to 7,841 vehicles.


Catch-up effect expected in May

Many customers had to or have merely postponed the purchase and the new registration of their vehicle. Dealerships received corresponding feedback in the days since the re-opening of their businesses. Due to the Corona pandemic, tourist travel had also been temporarily prohibited, which is why many rental companies have suspended the registration of their seasonal vehicles. As the campsites throughout Germany are gradually being allowed to re-open these days, there is a justified hope of a catch-up effect as early as May. The CIVD is also fundamentally positive about the coming months. In these times, caravanning is one of the safest forms of holiday, as one only travels individually with the people of their own household and is largely self-sufficient due to one’s own cooking and sanitary facilities. It can be assumed that even more Germans will now discover caravanning for themselves.


Source:  CIVD evaluation of figures from the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA)